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Featured Product

- Simultaneous quantification of TREC
and Beta Actin copies
- Sensitivity upto 25 TREC copies and
125 Beta Actin copies
- Compatible with any Real-Time PCR
instrument with FAM / VIC channels
- Available in: 96 X 20 ul kit &
45 X 20 ul kit formats
MyTREC Sensi Duplex TREC / Beta Actin Real Time qPCR
Assay Kit (RUO)

MyTREC Real Time qPCR Assay Reagent Kit (RUO)
Designed & optimized for highly specific, sensitive & accurate absolute quantification of human TRECs (T-Cell Receptor Excision Circles)
Quantification of Human TRECs
(T-Cell Receptor Excision Circles)
Complete and Ready-To-Use TREC / SCID Assay Real-Time qPCR Assay Reagents
Proprietary Calibrators optimized to
provide exceptional efficiency & sensitivity
TaqMan fluorescent probes (FAM / VIC)
Broad dynamic range of calibrators to
provide reliable testing of precious samples
Accurate/sensitive absolute quantification of TRECs in a blood volume as low as 1 ul
Kit is compatible with all standard Real- Time PCR Instruments; No specialized
Instrument / workstation / software required
Features of MyTREC Kit

We have used MyTRECKits (both TREC & Actin Singleplex Kits) to evaluate patients following HSCT.
Its simple and straightforward to use and helped us forward our research goals with ease .......
We got excellent support from GenenPlus / with sample preparation, setting
up the assay and data analysis.
--- Dr Luis Klaus Alves da Rocha, Hematologist (Physician) and PhD Scholar, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ready-To-Use Molecular Reagents
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